Tag: sun

If Only

Your life and mine
perpetuated with ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’

If we could
write invisible lines from Shakespeare’s sonnets
or glide on the sun rays
or drum away on the Tibetan plateau
or swim among the stars.

If only,
but the sonnets are written,
sun rays are fickle,
the plateau is no Tibet
and the stars are dead

The Soldier

Who will look at the sun and say,
‘I know this sky, bright and blue’
The blood that flood the sun rays
is what you and I shed
for freedom and liberation

Thousands went up in smoke in the fire of freedom
Thousands shot through the barrel of liberation
Thousands mourn, with their arms spread
Decapitated limbs and torso and heads
fell in their prayers

Romancing Neruda

Picture from Wiki
Picture from Wiki

Among poets I sat
Sipping some cheap Chilean wine
Eating words, and smoking clove and mint

Between the laughter and fog
I saw Neruda woo his women
“Such a canny man,” I remember thinking

Shower of rhetorics and they melted at his feet
The night as blanket they followed him
And sweet rhetoric pleasured their blossom

With the sun came invisibility
Their wet mascara ran to break his heart
“I loved you for this night, darlin’
“Don’t kiss me goodbye
“I will love you again last night”
A hungry kiss and the fog cleared

Where’s the Chilean?
I need a refill

(I love Neruda. All out of my head.)

Envy Drops

Picture: HD Wallpapers
Picture: HD Wallpapers

Li’l dewdrop covets the sun
on the wings of the li’l bird
for, vapour, the sun turns it into
life, like that blink of an eye
Who cares but itself
life, in that blink of an eye
thousand rainbows, it explodes into
on the wings of the li’l bird
Li’l dewdrop covets the sun no more

In the path he walked

Redon Odilon (Hope I don’t get sued for using this picture. :D)

She treks up the hill
hikes down in the vales
bounces along on the plain
wades through river
braving rain and storm
shadowing the sun
blowing in the direction of the wind
all in the same path he walked
all in the hope
to catch a glimpse of him
if she followed the path he took
she has done it before
she is doing is now
sure she will do again
she has answers to find
for all the questions he left her with
she has a remedy to find
for the ache he left her with
she has got to find a way
to stop her tears
with the rise of the moon
she retires under a tree
a long journey awaits her
she has a quest to fulfill

[Inspired by some random footprints in the sand; a fatherless daughter. As I didn’t jot down the lines, I forgot most of the lines I wove in my thoughts. ]


It was a year
of pain
crying herself to sleep
wetting the pillow
every night
during the day
curling up on the bed
crying silently
‘I messed up’
she was giving up on herself
somehow she knew
there were good reasons
to start over
was what she needed
to find herself
one bright morning
as the sun rose over the horizon
she found
an inspiration
which helped her
find at least a part of her
and made her ponder
there were more important things in life
she created a whole new world
to live in
