Tag: heaven

Heaven cannot be far away

In the silence of the night
past midnight
I sat puffing a cigarette
listening to the country night
the sound of crickets
away from city night,
the roar of motors;
watching the insects dance in the moon,
television sets at rest;
fresh smell of grasses,
colognes at their sources;
heaven cannot be out of reach
as they say
high up in the sky
heaven cannot be for good souls only
like they taught
and here I was
in the silence of the night
past midnight
I sat puffing a cigarette
beside the stream
which flowed
in heaven


Here it is again
it makes me feel cuddled
it makes me feel sensual
it makes me feel in my own skin
it makes me want to jump
it makes me want to dance
it makes me want to sing
it makes me spread my arms
it makes me wait for it like for a lover
it makes me giggle like a kid
it makes me open my mouth to get it in
it makes me joyful
most of all it helps me hide my tears
for, at times, heaven cries too