Tag: WordsWorthMillions

If Only

Your life and mine
perpetuated with ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’

If we could
write invisible lines from Shakespeare’s sonnets
or glide on the sun rays
or drum away on the Tibetan plateau
or swim among the stars.

If only,
but the sonnets are written,
sun rays are fickle,
the plateau is no Tibet
and the stars are dead

The Soldier

Who will look at the sun and say,
‘I know this sky, bright and blue’
The blood that flood the sun rays
is what you and I shed
for freedom and liberation

Thousands went up in smoke in the fire of freedom
Thousands shot through the barrel of liberation
Thousands mourn, with their arms spread
Decapitated limbs and torso and heads
fell in their prayers

The Surfer

Salt on his board, sand in his underwear
A stud on waves, entertain a bored audience

Couple pose for pictures up on a dead tree
The sunset is lazy

One by one they all come in
A smile here and a frown there

Through the glasses of a sultry woman
He watches the ocean

My Chiseled Heart

Paint, use brush
the art instructor said
I took the brush to the canvas
he closed the class door on me

use a model, naked
my partner said
I stripped a woman
he took her to bed

use your imagination, raw
my friend said
I drew her
she stopped talking to me

enough! I said
I took a chisel and
carved the heart
out of the canvas

Romancing Neruda

Picture from Wiki
Picture from Wiki

Among poets I sat
Sipping some cheap Chilean wine
Eating words, and smoking clove and mint

Between the laughter and fog
I saw Neruda woo his women
“Such a canny man,” I remember thinking

Shower of rhetorics and they melted at his feet
The night as blanket they followed him
And sweet rhetoric pleasured their blossom

With the sun came invisibility
Their wet mascara ran to break his heart
“I loved you for this night, darlin’
“Don’t kiss me goodbye
“I will love you again last night”
A hungry kiss and the fog cleared

Where’s the Chilean?
I need a refill

(I love Neruda. All out of my head.)

Will You?

Picture for WordsWorthMillions
Picture for WordsWorthMillions

Will you take me to the highlands?
To see the nomads and their cattle?
Will you take me to a brook?
To sit and sing by?
Will you take me out in the desert night?
To look at the stars and marvel at its vastness?
Will you take me to a newly wed bride?
To hold her hands and kiss her cheeks?
Will you take me to a new mother?
To watch her baby sleep at her bosom?

Clothes of Memories


How does one unsing songs
the notes of which
touched in places orgasmic
uncompose poems written in trance

How does one undo romances
that haunt with an ache
unlove love which was felt
in a moment of spontaneity

Now, how do I wash a kiss
of fire that rained
till it rode away in a taxi
at five in the morning

Even clothes wear memories,
burn them or wear them

Broken Time III

Picture for WordsWorthMillions
Picture for WordsWorthMillions


I composed a poem,
he drew a picture
artists as we were
the pencil markings are fading,
time bears my words in its bounded hands.

Profound sadness I feel
for the broken pieces of time
the clock is bleeding within
ever in silence and obedience
lure me on, to where God hides in shame.