Tag: night

Romancing Neruda

Picture from Wiki
Picture from Wiki

Among poets I sat
Sipping some cheap Chilean wine
Eating words, and smoking clove and mint

Between the laughter and fog
I saw Neruda woo his women
“Such a canny man,” I remember thinking

Shower of rhetorics and they melted at his feet
The night as blanket they followed him
And sweet rhetoric pleasured their blossom

With the sun came invisibility
Their wet mascara ran to break his heart
“I loved you for this night, darlin’
“Don’t kiss me goodbye
“I will love you again last night”
A hungry kiss and the fog cleared

Where’s the Chilean?
I need a refill

(I love Neruda. All out of my head.)

Broken Time II

The gushing stream


‘Good bye,’ the night whispered
‘Can you stay a little longer?’
the wind dusted night’s lies in all direction
so Aurora turned away in tears.

Time strolled on the line of red
loyalty went blue
the love of green sprang up in the street
where deceivers danced on God’s broken heart

She will be loved


She dredges her feet
she staggers
striking the pavement

she has been crying
running from the shadows
on the wall that enters her
room at night to mount her

she is reeking of alcohol
whiffs of wind blows
it into the faces of passersby
recede from her

she had a dream of a world
with the loves of her life
and here she is jumping from bed to bed
in the arms of others’ love

My first poem of 2011. Started on a sad note. This is a story of a woman I met few years ago.


It was a year
of pain
crying herself to sleep
wetting the pillow
every night
during the day
curling up on the bed
crying silently
‘I messed up’
she was giving up on herself
somehow she knew
there were good reasons
to start over
was what she needed
to find herself
one bright morning
as the sun rose over the horizon
she found
an inspiration
which helped her
find at least a part of her
and made her ponder
there were more important things in life
she created a whole new world
to live in
